Udemy Business

A UX design for the next era of learning

Offering over 16,000 curated online training courses, Udemy Business is a global learning solution that helps corporate leaders drive business outcomes such as reduced overhead costs, increased productivity and employee retention through the deliberate upskilling of their teams. With the rollout of a corporate rebrand approaching, Udemy Business reached out to Grafik to design a new website that could better showcase those business outcomes and underscore the value of a B2B partnership.

While Udemy Business already had robust creative and development departments, they sought support and a fresh perspective from an agency partner so their internal teams could focus on the scope of the rebrand. Grafik coordinated with multiple Udemy teams to develop a striking site that provides a rich content-focused experience for visitors and drives conversions through demo requests and team plan registrations.

The initial immersion and discovery phase revealed an opportunity to simplify and reorganize an abundant library of valuable content into an easy-to-navigate resource center. Intuitive information architecture allows potential corporate subscribers to quickly understand Udemy Business’s value proposition through case studies, articles, and infographics. With a goal of differentiating itself from the “sea of sameness” in the digital education space, Grafik collaborated with Udemy’s in-house illustrators to leverage fresh, unique design styles that pop and entice visitors to dig deeper into the content of the site. 

As Grafik collaborated with a multi-departmental task force, impeccable project management was crucial to ensure brand, security, and accessibility compliance throughout the redesign. To meet quick deadlines Grafik took a four-pronged agile sprint approach with strategy, design, development, and copywriting teams working simultaneously. The result was a web experience that positioned Udemy Business as a global leader with sustained lead generation to propel its growth.

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