
Integrating two powerful tech brands

With the financial complexity of today’s global enterprises, a treasury management system that helps the C-suite quickly and easily understand both risks and opportunities is a very valuable commodity. The acquisition of Australian risk management software provider Visual Risk by GTreasury made their digital platform the most powerful end-to-end solution on the market. GTreasury came to Grafik to increase awareness of their new, enhanced capabilities. 

Our challenge was to present this complex and arcane expertise in a way that was both exciting and simply expressed, without shortchanging the incredible depth and intricacy of the offering. At play was a possible new name, and most certainly new positioning, messaging, and a brand identity that properly showcases who they now are, what they stand for, and the impact of their work on a global scale.

GTreasury logo on white background

Research & Positioning

Extensive internal interviews, customer roundtables, and competitive audits informed the strategy behind our rebrand, a rebrand that ultimately told the story of two best-of-breed entities coming together to provide invaluable insights—in other words, The Clarity to Act.

That apt summation of what GTreasury offers their target audience became the new mantra for the firm, as well as the basis of an introductory campaign. It was rolled out along with a new logo, brand colors and refined messaging.

Strategy & Brand Rollout

Our research findings confirmed that there was no need to change the company name, but to instead infuse it with new meaning. “G” now stands for “Global”—a signal to the rest of the industry of the company’s presence and power. 

With this strong, declarative statement, GTreasury is letting treasurers know they have the means to move beyond simply a historic reporting role to that of a true strategist; treasury information now becomes an invaluable driver of business decisions. Such insights cement the Treasurer’s place in the C-Suite.