A dad with his daughter feeding geese at a pond

Good Days

The challenge

Streamline the user experience for visitors to the site of Good Days, a co-pay assistance charity. It was critical to keep in mind that most first-time visitors to the site are dealing with extraordinary health issues for themselves or loved ones.

Good Days Wireframes


Design user journeys that take visitors to the right information—from diseases to medicines to Good Day’s expert Patient Care Navigators—based on a quick and simple self-assessment of their specific needs. We created and leveraged personas to inform the IA and user journeys of the new site. A new messaging platform guided site content, and also helped Good Days staff going forward as they continue their outreach to caregivers and corporate donors. Users found the navigation simpler to use, and a new set of icons supported the text for quick access to highly visited pages.

Good Days application on Iphone

The persona-based UX is delivering the goods for Good Days. Year over year figures for the first month* the site was operating yielded a:



More than simply an increase in page views, we tracked the pages visited and discovered a 321% increase in the pages housing the “diseases covered” content, critical information for patients that also frees time for Good Days Patient Care Navigators to go deeper with their patients.

Good days web pages and quote from COO

A little more background

Every day, people with chronic conditions find hope in new treatments, only to be shocked by costs that are simply too expensive even with insurance. Thankfully, co-pay assistance charities like Good Days raise money to pay for what insurance won’t. Good Days turned to Grafik to make it easier for everyone—patients, caregivers, pharmacies and donors—to find, and offer, life-changing help.

The site had to empathetically tell the story of what this charity does, and at the same time make it easy to get—and give—the help that can decrease suffering and extend lifespans for the chronically afflicted. We even supplied a new mantra that summed up this dual mandate: effective compassion.

Image of lifestyle woman and quote, customer testify webpage for Good Days website

*Early results based on site data from Feb 27, 2018-Mar 27, 2018 (new site) compared to Feb 27, 2017-Mar 27, 2017 (old site)

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