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Weekly Lightning Chat: Fearless girl transformed, Amazon, & more

Each Tuesday morning, we convene for a caffeine-fueled “Lightning Chat” about the past week’s hottest news. Through cross-functional input and debate from different teams – designers, developers, strategists and anyone else that’s in the trenches on a daily basis – we aim to find new perspectives and “lightning bolt” ideas about branding and marketing. Here are a few topics we covered this week, and why we think they matter.

1. Fearless Girl Transformed Into #Fearful Girl as a Symbol for Gun Reform

What Happened:  This week, parents of a Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting victim partnered with the gun reform organization, Change the Ref, to deliver a message about gun violence. After placing a bulletproof vest on the Fearless Girl statue, and taking a photo with the caption, “She can’t be fearless if she’s afraid to go to school.”, the group tweeted the image of #FearfulGirl to see what would happen.

Our Take:  Change the Ref successfully recontextualized a movement-based artifact to take a stance, and it worked. The picture was powerful and gained the attention of millions. Oftentimes recycling campaigns that have been successful in an effort to re-engage audiences fall flat, but this one clearly did not.

image of Fearless Girl wearing 'Fearful Girl' vest

[Source: AdWeek]

2. Vertical Networks May Be The Future of Influencer Marketing 

What Happened: Recently there’s been an uptick in sales from one-stop shops such as Craiglist, to more specialized sites such as Etsy, that are utilizing influencer-based content to drive their businesses forward.

Our Take:  This doesn’t come as a surprise, as over the years there have been hundreds of companies who have emerged to bring efficient and un-matched experiences to their customers within their respective industries. As a result of this shift, partnering with big brands to advertise in the future may become expensive, but it will have the most impact. It’s best to make sure your dollars are going towards eyes that will really see your products, and who will have a genuine interest.

trends data

3. Amazon Now Dominates Google in Product Search

What Happened: Studies show that Amazon has recently surpassed Google in product-based searches. But don’t be too concerned yet, Google is still number one in general search queries taking place on its Images and Maps products.

Our Take: Will Amazon be the newer, more effective ad network to consider in place of using Google search/display? 

screenshot of amazon search bar

[Source: Google]

4. Speaking of Amazon, They’re in a Giving Mood 

What Happened: This week, Amazon announced that they will provide free shipping for all U.S. customers this holiday season.

Our Take:  Although this move may not be the most financially efficient route when it comes to increasing customers, Amazon is taking a risk on this promotion. Large-scale risks may be the new 2019 trend in retail, after all. 

photo of Amazon warehouse employee

[Source: Business Insider]

5. Horse Racing Goes Digital

What Happened: Championship Horse Racing is reinventing racing as a spectator sport with a new, digitally driven tournament called, The Series to engage mainstream audiences who typically only watch sports events like the World Cup and Olympics. Think of it as Fantasy Football but with Horses. 

Our Take: This is just another example of how seamlessly technology and the branded experience can go hand-in-hand to attract new customers.  


photo of horse racer


Hayden Sorensen, Digital Strategy Manager, smiling while posing for the picture
Hayden Browning

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